
April 13-17 Keep It Rockin’!

Wednesday April 15-Friday April 17: Read and take notes on sections 3.6 Structural Geology, 3.7 Reading of Geologic History. I have also posted 3.8 Geology of the United States for your enjoyment. I will be available in a zoom chat during your scheduled class times if you wish to “enter the meeting” and discuss the material. This is not a requirement.

Tuesday April 14: Attempt to do one of the labs found at the beginning of section 3.2 Igneous rocks, 3.3 Sedimentary rocks or 3.4 Metamorphic Rocks. The one for sedimentary rocks looks fun, messy and doable with supplies likely already in your house.

Monday April 13: There is no Zoom meeting today and no required Zoom meeting this whole week! Get outside, be active and have fun! Take a walk with your brother or sister (or whoever is available to you during this time of quarantine) and take 5 pictures of different rocks that you see, or make a fun video or some other form of media. Although this assignment is more a suggestion and for fun, I think that it would be really fun to look at what each other has come up with. I will provide a Box folder for you to upload your media. Try to:

  • Identify the mineral type
  • Is it extrusive or intrusive
  • What is the crystal size
  • What is it being used for
  • Where did it likely originate? Is it indigenous? (Probably not)


April 6-10 This Week Still Rocks!

Friday April 10: Submit your presentations into the appropriate box folder by 11am. View each others’ presentations, learn and enjoy!

Wednesday April 8 and Thursday April 9:

  • If you have scheduled class with me, we will be going over igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
  • If you do not have class with me, work on your rock presentation and finish taking notes on the sections.

Monday April 6 and Tuesday April 7:

  • If you have a scheduled class, we will be going over igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
  • If you do not have a class with me, work on your rock presentation and finish reading the sections and taking notes.

March 30-April 3 This Week Rocks!

  • Friday April 3: Please read the sections on sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. Take notes and apply the information to your assigned rock. We will go over the chapters next week!

Wednesday April 1 and Thursday April 2:

  • If you are scheduled to have a meeting time with me, we will go over minerals and hopefully begin igneous rocks
  • If you are not scheduled to have a class time with me, please read the section on igneous rocks and create your salt gardens.

Monday March 30 and Tuesday March 31:

  • 3rd hour: Please be sure that you are logging on at 11am. You should recently have received a zoom chat invitation. See you soon!
  • If you are scheduled to have a zoom meeting with me, we will go over the minerals powerpoint and the rock presentation which will be due on Friday April 10. You will get your mineral/rock assignment today.
  • If you are not scheduled to have a meeting with me, start your salt garden. I will have started one and will be showing the progression of it with pictures. (PS: This is a fun one to do with younger brothers and sisters). If you do not have some of the supplies, this will just be a casualty of at-home schooling. Hopefully, you will enjoy the one that I made. Also, read the section on igneous rocks and take notes. Apply this to your rock type as you go.
  • So, to clarify, your “assignment” if we do not have class time scheduled is a salt garden and take notes on the igneous rocks chapter. If you do have scheduled time, we will go through the mineral powerpoint, you should take notes and we will review the rock presentation which is not due until next week.


March 23-27 The First Week of On-line Learning

Thursday March 26 and Friday March 27: Please read and possibly take notes on the powerpoint on rocks. I will be reviewing it via Zoom next week and then we will do some projects with it. I am not assigning questions or quizzes over the material, but I encourage you to pay attention to it!

Tuesday March 24 and Wednesday March 25: Scheduled debate about the laws governing hydraulic fracturing. Please be ready to discuss the ideas listed on Monday’s post.

3rd hour Zoom meeting information: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/170650221?pwd=aWJlNXd6KzZrbEoyRXBXTW5UU1hvQT09

Meeting ID: 170 650 221
Password: 003015

6th hour Zoom information: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/231199551?pwd=WkhnOVlzWDVUMkJITkFSUUxMTDF0dz09

Meeting ID: 231 199 551
Password: 023904

8th hour Zoom information: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/704480671?pwd=VHZ6MXgraXhuRlkwSVBBS2t2eXZNZz09

Meeting ID: 704 480 671
Password: 018347

Monday March 23: Read some or all of the articles on the legalities of hydraulic fracturing and be prepared for a discussion via zoom during your “scheduled class time” on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on your section hour. Please consider the control via laws of the following issues: effects on local communities, water pollution, use of public lands or other forms of destruction to the environment. If, in your research, you have found other good sources regarding laws governing hydraulic fracturing, I would love to add them!

  1. Ban Fracking Act proposed by Bernie Sanders (thank you to Annika Polk for providing this source!): https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/3247/text
  2. Fracking: Regulatory Failures and Delays by GreenPeace (an obviously biased site): https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/global-warming/issues/fracking/regulatory-failures-and-delays/
  3. Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas Development by the EPA: https://www.epa.gov/uog